Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Resurgence Conference Day 1: Monday

Mars Hill's Ballard campus is only a 20 minute walk from my apartment. I got up nice and early to take a stroll over to help out with some more Pre-Conference check-in. A highlight included meeting Lecrae Moore, a Christian hip hop/rap artist from Memphis, who actually performed for everyone later on in the day. A guy came up to him at the check-in tables and got his autograph on the shirt he was wearing! We were watching and thinking to ourselves, Woah! Who is this guy!? He's famous! I had to google him once I got home.

After lunch the real check-in time began (chaos!). It wasn't too bad. Thankfully we had plenty of volunteers. Once the crowd passed, I watched CJ Mahaney enter into the lobby, chatted with a couple people, and hung out for a while. I didn't get a chance to meet him, but when he passed us while leaving the area, he acknowledged us giving up our time to volunteer and said to us, "Thank you for serving!" He is such a great man who loves Jesus and shows it in his life. Please read his book, Humility: True Greatness, as he writes about the importance of finding evidences of God's grace and God's work in the lives of the people around us. God is at work, but we often fail to see it.

The day ended with John Piper opening his heart in the evening. I can't believe I have never heard him preach before. I identified with him on so many levels. He described his personal steps for having confidence in the Bible, and it was so refreshing to hear him say what has been in my heart for so long.

Day 0: Sunday
Day 1: Monday
Day 2: Tuesday
Day 3: Wednesday
Video/Audio here

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